I’m cringing just thinking about it.
Odds are you have probably witnessed some funky situations at work, whether you care to admit it or not.Maybe you overheard a personal conversation between two co-workers and now you look at them differently.Or perhaps you saw your co-worker walk out of the bathroom stall, not wash their hands, and then shake hands with several colleagues. Yikes!What about witnessing a co-worker get fired?If you have, what was that like? Maybe you overheard or even saw the firing .
Or maybe the canned employee was your cubicle-mate or work BFF, so you were the first one they spilled everything to after it happened.What was the reason for why your co-worker got fired? How did the manager who was doing the firing and the employee each handle it?If you have experienced a co-worker getting the boot, share with me all the details that happened.With bonus points if you witnessed them getting fired extremely fast.