What’s on your desk, Vjeran Pavic? The Verge’s vjeranpavic shows off his tech and his cat
, and Vjeran Pavic is an important part of our video team. His official title is senior video director; for the most part, he’s the one behind the lens creating videos and photos for our site. He is also our in-house drone expert. His workspace at home is deceptively simple; we asked him for a tour.I have a Master’s and BS in journalism, but I have always found it easier to tell stories through visual media, hence my love for photos and videos.
I try really hard to keep my area organized. I used to have a much larger desk from Ikea, but since I moved to a smaller room, I also had to also look for a smaller desk. So the next logical thing was to find something that has some built-in storage. That’s where I keep my emergency trackpad and shove all the ugly cables out the way.