Be prepared for a few changes in policy and government-provided tools. Here's what we know so far.
. Amler said many local jurisdictions will likely have programs in place that cover the costs of tests and shots.
“Those without health care coverage or otherwise having trouble accessing care or treatment will want to reach out to their local public health departments for referrals to community clinics or other providers who can assist with care to those without health care coverage,” Souleles added. One thing to note: Many of the treatments and test kits were made available to the public though emergency use authorization — a type of approval given to expedite the availability of drugs and vaccines during a public health emergency. The end of the emergency phase will not affect access to these products, Amler said.Test and treatment coverage may change after the COVID-19 public health emergency status goes away.
“When the continuous enrollment requirement ends, it is likely that millions of people may be terminated from coverage as states resume their routine redetermination processes where Medicaid beneficiaries have to reapply and have eligibility verified for continued coverage,” Souleles said. Additionally, Medicare has been billing people the same amount for out-of-network and in-network COVID-related care. This benefit will also end when the declaration ends, Souleles said. During the national emergency, private insurers had to be more flexible with COBRA enrollment and premium payment deadlines, but that will no longer be the case two months after the emergency declaration ends in May.