A three-day series of traditional rituals will mark the start of the construction of the new capital city. TraditionalRituals
english.jpnn.com, KALIMANTAN TIMUR - A three-day series of traditional rituals will mark the start of the construction of the new capital city, Nusantara, from March 13 to March 15. President Joko Widodo is scheduled to attend and camp at the zero point where the State Palace will be built. Jokowi ordered all governors to bring soil and water from their respective regions.
It is reported that all governors in Indonesia are currently preparing for the celebration event to welcome the construction of Nusantara. The soil to be brought weighs 2 kilograms and the water weighs 1 liter, taken from places considered sacred and represents their respective regions.Also See: East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor plans to bring soil and water from two sacred places in Benua Etam, Kutai Lama and Paser.