A new textile reuse group counting fashion’s resale and rental pioneers aims to tackle circular policy.
Stuart Ahlum, cofounder of SuperCircle, expressed excitement in building the coalition. “The goals of this group are core to our mission of keeping clothes out of landfill, and we hope that, alongside these fantastic operators and thought leaders, we can help shape supporting policy.”
Having held its first meeting last week, Act will continue to convene key stakeholders monthly, starting with the circular fashion community, in hopes of staking textile reuse firmly atop policymakers’ agendas. “By 2023, we will expand our scope to textile recyclers and those involved further downstream,” CSG’s founder and textile reuse veteran Rachel Kibbe, told WWD. “We have already started these conversations. Founding members must be able to delegate a maximum of two representatives with the ability to attend monthly meetings, participate actively in discussions and make expedient decisions on behalf of the company.