On Tuesday, most students in Los Angeles returned to school, however, many were greeted with unfamiliar faces.
“There were teachers missing,” said ninth-grader Zuleina Gonzalez. “I had a substitute. The teacher is going to be gone for about a whole week.”Governor Newsom Announces How He Plans To Pay For Universal Healthcare For State Residents
Narbonne High School reported one of the highest positivity rates among all Los Angeles public schools. Both staff and students had to submit a negative test before returning to their classrooms for the spring semester. LAUSD distributed free take-home COVID tests to students on Friday and Saturday.Fefferman said that while her high school had experienced some delays but her children got into school without much of a hassle.
With the Omicron surge continuing, the interim superintendent addressed what it would take to close down schools and if there was a plan in place to do so.