The number of unprovoked shark attacks worldwide decreased last year, tying with 2020 for the fewest number of reported incidents in the last 10 years. According to the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File, there were a total of 57 unprovoked bites in 2022, most of which occurred in the United States and Australia. Of these, five attacks were fatal, down from nine deaths in 2021 and 10 the year prior.
Map and summary statistics for shark bites in 2022. Credit: Jane Dominguez/University of Florida
Since 2013, there has been an average of 74 unprovoked bites per year. 2020 was a notable exception, when COVID-19 related travel restrictions and beach closures likely resulted in fewer encounters between humans and sharks. The overall reduction in the number of last year's bites may reflect the documented global decline of shark populations.