After landing awkwardly again in his first game back from injury, Rhenz Abando hopes he can suit up for his Korean team Anyang in the East Asia Super League playoffs in Cebu
This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article.ANYANGafter feeling some discomfort following his Korean Basketball League game last March 3.since suffering the injury in December, said he hit the floor hard during their 92-87 win against Goyang Sono.
The former NCAA Most Valuable Player racked 17 points, added 4 rebounds and 3 assists in 28 minutes of action, enough to be accorded Player of the Game honors in the matchup. But Anyang coach Kim Sang-shik said the team would rather wait and see if Abando would feel comfortable enough to play. The winner of the matchup will face the victor of the Chiba Jets-New Taipei Kings semis game in the championship match on Sunday, March 10, at the same venue.Suffering what he described as a painful fall, Abando felt relieved that he still felt his extremities then — usually a clearance from traumatic spinal injuries.