Unfortunately for the aye-ayes, they are highly endangered. It has a long skinny finger that can reach the back of its throat through its nose.
For the first time, an aye-aye lemur has been recorded picking its nose, the National History Museum in the U.K. said.
The primates from Madagascar have a long finger that can reach the back of its throat through its nose. The animal then licks off the mucus from its fingers. Researchers believe the aye-aye might like the texture and saltiness of mucus. “'When I first saw this video, I was really struck by the nose picking,” said Roberto Portela Miguez, senior curator in charge of mammals at the National History Museum. “I've never heard of anything like it before outside of humans. It's a surprise because aye-ayes are quite an iconic species, so you would think it would have been reported somewhere before now.
“Aye-ayes are highly endangered, and really need our help,” said Miguez. “Papers like this can hopefully help draw attention to the species, highlight how little we may know about them and get more people to support their conservation.”