Two podcasters are catching heat on TikTok after saying that stay-at-home mom's do not have 'real jobs,' noting that being a working mom is way harder.
where the two go off on certain topics that annoy them and rant about the people, places, and things that drive them nuts aka the things they’ve “had it” with.a recent episode
“You know, if we're gonna throw that in, like sometimes women wanna say, and it is being a mother is a job, but it's also like just living your life ... and, you know, we can't criticize men for saying, ‘Hey, I babysat my kid.’ And then as women go, ‘Being a mother is a hard job.’” She takes up issue with stay-at-home moms who say that they, too, have a full-time job, telling them that she wants to tell them to “f**k off.”a full-time job. It's hard work. There's no question, but it's not, I mean, it's full-time work, but it's not a job under the employment contract.”
The opinionated and straight-forward clip went viral, with several TikTok users agreeing with the women’s hot take. Several users agreed with her with one replying, “Thank you for saying this! It’s never ending, I honestly don’t know how I get through the day sometimes!”“I would love to be working a ‘real job.’ But daycare for 2 kids would cost nearly $3,000 monthly. It’s more cost effective to stay home, not a luxury,” one noted.