'Henri Cartier Bresson: Photographe' is now in its 11th edition.
is the 11th edition of a set of 155 photographs taken by the man who was dubbed “the eye of the century.”
“Cartier-Bresson continues to fascinate because he is one of the key photographers of historical record,” says Catherine Philippot of Delpire. philosophy. Whether it be a small child carrying a painting in Mexico, or an unusual perspective of a crowded square in Madrid, Cartier-Bresson found a way to make the mundane intriguing.that editors worked with the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation to improve the reproduction of the images in the new edition.
“Everyone keeps asking me about photography, but I don’t believe in my career as a photographer,” he said in a“Photography is just about clicking the shutter, bringing your finger down at the right moment. Drawing is what matters. Photography no longer interests me.”