Daily News | Philadelphia bookstore owners want to put local shops on the map
Once, after a short delay, I expressed my relief: “I was afraid you were going to force me to go to Amazon,” I joked.But I try to keep it local, always asking myself if getting something
The answer is always no, and this map — which I learned about while stalking my bookstore’s social media accountsThe map, which on paper will measure 15 by 25 inches, will represent each store with a 2-by-2-inch watercolor created by“When it’s assembled, you’ll be able to really see how in a city of millions, these stores are all kind of interconnected, and just how many of them are available for people to visit,” Crane said.
, a used bookstore in Center City and another member of the effort. “But I also see using the map as a jumping-off point to try to create some sort of community that’s a little bit more tied together.” Which, of course, made me wonder: This being 2022, why a map instead of an app, especially when it will undoubtedly need to be updated?