'He didn’t just bang out barre chords and power chords and riff away like a wild man. He constructed songs from beginning to end, like an opera or a symphony,' Bob Wolfman says of Jimi Hendrix.
to sing the praises of Jimi Hendrix, the superstar supernova guitarist who died in 1970 at 27 years old.
It’s these qualities Wolfman strove to convey on his new album, “Tribute To a Friend” — nine cover songs and two Hendrix-inspired originals — and a record release party and gig atThe “friend” part of the album title is no stretch: When he was 15, Wolfman — then living in New York — met Hendrix at Manny’s Music store on 48th Street in 1968. He edged his way into a conversation and Hendrix was impressed with his enthusiasm and knowledge about electric guitar pickups and Fender Stratocasters.
They met up several times over the next couple years — Wolfman was in bands playing venues in the Catskills and Hendrix had a place in Monticello — and there were further jams. A 16-year-old Wolfman was onstage at Woodstock near the Marshall amps — “It was intense and immense and really life-changing. ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ was so emotional because I felt what Jimi was conveying was his hatred and disgust with the Vietnam War.
This tribute album had been gestating in Wolfman’s mind for years, but he had other gigs to attend to. He earned two degrees from Berklee College of Music. He recorded with Larry Coryell, Victor Bailey, Kenwood Dennard and Toni Lynn Washington, and performed with Chick Corea, Grover Washington Jr., Robben Ford, Arlen Roth and James Montgomery. He released four albums under his own name and played on hundreds of others and produced more than 150 artists.