QUEZON City is now classified as “very low risk” for coronavirus transmission, with just an average of 25 new Covid-19 cases in the last seven days, Octa Research said...
He also said that the reproduction number in Quezon City has been steady at 0.23 while the one-week growth rate of cases was at -22 percent.
Reproduction number refers to the number of people being infected by a single case, while Adar is the average number of new cases within a certain period per 100,000 individuals.David added that on average, the number of new Covid-19 cases in Quezon City has been around 16 percent of the new infections logged in the National Capital Region .
“This projects to a seven-day average of around 154 cases in the NCR. This would mean that NCR remains at low risk, although it should be very close to moving to very low risk once the Adar decreases below 1,” he added.Data from the Department of Health showed that Quezon City had reported 19 new cases on March 16. As of March 17, it has 3,754 active infections.