A growing number of companies, including many in tech, are dropping the requirement for a bachelor’s degree for middle-skill and even higher-skill roles.
In place of four-year-degree requirements, many companies are instead focusing on skills-based hiring to widen the talent pool.
Accenture launched an apprenticeship program in 2016 and has since hired 1,200 people, 80% of whom joined the company without a four-year-degree. Earlier this year it expanded the program with the goal of filling 20% of its U.S. entry-level roles — everything from application development and cybersecurity to cloud and platform engineering — from apprenticeships.
To get the talent it needs, Dell Technologies last year expanded its definition of university recruitment and developed a program focused on hiring from community colleges. Jennifer Newbill, director of emerging talent at Dell, says the company's goal is to redefine what it considers to be recent graduate talent to include associate degrees, apprenticeships, and certificate programs.