Impresionante balacera en concierto de Maelo Ruiz en Nariño: un muerto
We are experiencing high traffic, it shows that you are not a robot to access the site.One of the biggest reasons when choosing a shortener with HTTPS security is to give security to users when using the link, this allows greater confidence in transport to your website.Then what is it for and its advantages.A URL shortener is a tool that converts very long links into others with a much shorter length, reducing the number of characters of these.
The shorteners became fashionable with the rise of social networks, being its main driver Twitter, since this social network only allowed to write 140 characters, so if you had a link or link too long, it was difficult for you to accompany it with a text that reflects what is reflected in the platform.HTTPS is a protocol for transferring information securely, it has this acronym by its English name Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.