Currently, the only contraceptive option available for men so far is condoms or a vasectomy.
2019 a male contraceptive
completed clinical trials in India involving an injection to the groin area that researchers say is designed to be a practical alternative to surgical vasectomy. The Hindustan Times reported that the contraceptive has been sent for final testing by the Drug Controller General of India . Dr. R.S. Sharma, the senior scientist with the Indian Council of Medical Research, toldThe contraceptive is called reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance , and is made up of a polymer that is injected into the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles known as the vas deferens.
With the simple injection, scientists say the birth control method will be effective for approximately 13 years.Scientists say any non-surgical procedure is usually preferred over a surgical one like a vasectomy, which is more invasive.