For more than a decade, Kauswagan's objective has been to produce healthier food, support sustainable farming systems, and preserve the natural ecosystem.
LANAO DEL NORTE, Philippines – A town in Lanao del Norte is gaining recognition among organic farmers as a place where one can go to jail for using synthetic fertilizers.
Arnado said the legal requirement mandates the municipal government to allocate only 5% of its political territory to organic farming. However, the town chose to make all its farms 100% organic. After 12 years since the local prohibition of synthetic fertilizers and non-organic methods, “we have achievedKauswagan has placed itself on the international map, hosting multiple international events on organic agriculture. From Sunday to Friday, June 4-9, the town plays host to the Organic Youth Forum, the 9th Asian Local Government for Organic Agriculture Summit, the 4th Global Alliance of Organic Districts, Women in Organic Agriculture in Asia, and the 6th Organic Asia Congress.
The convention center, constructed at a cost of P150 million, opened after five months of construction in time for the week-long international conventions. Imchen is attending the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements , one of the ongoing international events in Kauswagan. Teny Ann Johnson from Last Forest Enterprises in Tamil Nadu, India, said children need to become involved by instilling the values of organic farming in their minds.