Rebecca is debuting her striking new collection of women’s suits at Saks Fifth Avenue, Beverly Hills, on Thursday, December 9th.
1. Follow your gut
If you feel that you are meant to do more, Rebecca encourages you to follow that feeling, that intuition. Rebecca wants to inspire other women to be fearless and risk putting themselves out there and risking failure. Failure always teaches lessons, and failure can get you a step closer to your goals.Make sure you understand what your customers want and do the work of providing them with a product that they will love. Understand the market and how you promote your offer to them.
The bottom line is that Rebecca Crews is a wise woman who has challenged herself and will continue to challenge herself as she pursues her dreams. She shares with us that regardless of what your platform is and how large it may be when you strip that away, all entrepreneurs are faced with the same challenges of overcoming fear and going for it. Starting a new venture is scary but rewarding when you follow your dreams.