Nearly 60 years after leaving Erie High School to serve in the Marines during the Vietnam War, veteran Ron Cardenas was finally given the graduation ceremony he earned in the 1960s.
Cardenas, now 75, dropped out of high school in the 1960s in pursuit of service to his country. However, the Purple Heart recipient was never given a diploma.
Cardenas said he was in Vietnam when he turned 19 and at one point found himself caught in the middle of a battle with the enemy. He recalled being nearly completely surrounded by enemy fire. Most of his fellow soldiers were unable to escape on their own feet. As he retreated and fought back, Cardenas recalled being trapped while battling for his life.“I know I killed him. But, before I shot him he sent a rocket propelled grenade over. My face was bleeding,” Cardenas said.
On Friday, students and staff at Erie High School gathered for an assembly to hear from Cardenas about his service. But, while he was on stage the school’s principal, Matt Buchler, also recognized Cardenas by awarding him his diploma.“Today is a really special day in the history of Erie High School,” Buchler said. “One of the messages is about sacrifice. Being a young man, deploying to Vietnam in a war zone, took an enormous amount of courage and heroism.