Family lawyers continue to bring cases of swapped babies into the realm of law so that they can be a lesson for hospitals in carrying out good services and standard operating procedures.
The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found inDOKUMENTASI KELUARGA SITI MAULIAH
"We refuse. This is included in the basic rights of education and health. The report with reference to the Consumer Protection Act Article 8Article 62. The report is not for the individual nurse, but the business ."The family got justice from what they have experienced for a year," said Rusdi, Monday .. Kedua ibu ini telah menolak untuk melepas hak asuh atas anak tersebut dan saat ini sedang menunggu putusan resmi dari pengadilan terkait perkara ini. Mrs. Siti Mauliah and Mrs.
Regarding hospital standard operating procedures, they have also been listed in the Ministry of Health's Regulation Number 4 of 2019 concerning Early Breastfeeding Initiation . However, in practice, hospitals do not follow the rules after childbirth. Meanwhile, the spokesperson for Sentosa Hospital, Gregg Djako, stated that he respects the legal decision made by the families of Siti and Dian. Therefore, his team also honours and is prepared to face the report.From the beginning, the hospital authorities have consistently hoped for a familial resolution and will provide assistance or compensation, as per the hospital's capability.