DEAR DR. ROACH: I am now 78 years old. My mother’s two brothers died of heart attacks at 55 and 65, so when I was in my 50s, I had a calcium scan of my heart. Since then, I have…
a calcium scan of my heart. Since then, I have been taking 10 mg of atorvastatin along with blood pressure medication.
It’s possible to have a normal calcium score and still have blockages. Most blockages in the arteries are a combination of cholesterol plaque and calcium, but not all have calcium. Further, some people have calcifications with no blockages. A wise doctor doesn’t make decisions based on only one risk, whether it’s cholesterol or family history. The whole person — all their risk factors and protective factors, their ability to improve lifestyle, and their tolerance for medication — must be taken into account before making a truly personalized recommendation.