These are some of the winning and shortlisted entries for the Olympus Image of the Year Global Life Science Light Microscopy Award, a global photography competition showcasing the art of scientific imaging
Vasilis KokkorisThe above images show : an arbuscular mycorrhizal soil fungus cell containing hundreds of nuclei, unlike typical cells that carry just one nucleus, which won Vasilis Kokkoris the regional prize for Europe, the Middle East and Africa; the axons in the developing nervous system of a zebrafish embryo, which earned Layra Cintron-Rivera an honourable mention; and a Siberian milkwort plant captured by Mingyue Jia,...
of the competition’s honourable mentions.The above images show : the ovaries of a fruit fly, an honourable mention taken by Yujun Chen; Ivan Radin’s winning image for the Americas region of, a model organism for studying plants; and the competition’s global winner, captured by Jan Martinek, of the flower of, another plant model organism that Martinek made chemically transparent to reveal the stained pollen tube within, shown in yellow.