Old school Darth Vader is the best Darth Vader.
episode along is Vader himself. Physically portrayed by Hayden Christensen and voiced by James Earl Jones, he returns here as this overwhelmingly menacing force — a reminder that before he became a fallen, tragic hero redeemed by his son, and then movie doesn’t begin with Luke Skywalker or Han Solo; it begins by introducing Vader as this overwhelming malevolent force hunting Princess Leia and trying to reacquire stolen plans for the Empire’s Death Star.
He doesn’t even really try to interrogate anyone for information on Obi-Wan’s whereabouts; he just walks around choking people and hurling them through the air. It’s barely even about finding his old master. It’s just about displaying his enormous power.that’s the Vader that’s been missing for decades, at least in live-action action form. In the years since ’ primary villain by Emperor Palpatine.