WalletHub ranked 100 cities to determine which was populated with residents experiencing the highest levels of financial stress.
A recent report from the personal finance site WalletHub ranked which cities are populated with people experiencing the highest financial distress levels.WalletHub ranked 100 large cities using a variety of metrics, including the average credit score, bankruptcy filings and the total number of people with accounts in distress.The website also noted how often internet search terms like "debt" and "loans" were searched for.
Dallas: This city ranked high for its consistent rise in bankruptcy filings. 6. Las Vegas: Sin City made it in the top 10 for low credit scores and rising bankruptcy filings.7. San Antonio, Texas: This city ranked high for its yearly rise in bankruptcy filings.8. Atlanta: A high frequency of online searches about debt and loans put this city in the top 10. 9. Riverside, Calif.: This city also ranked high for how much citizens Googled debt and loan-related issues10. Jacksonville, Fla.