'It's our turn now to be on the offensive,' warns a faction of the radical group Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters
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A faction of Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters said it went on offensive mode in response to relentless military operations even after the start of the Ramadan. Sapyun told local broadcaster Brigada News FM that the attacks included an ambush that killed four soldiers in Datu Hofer town, Maguindanao del Sur, on Sunday, March 17.
He said the BIFF attacks were in retaliation to persistent military offensives such as a raid in Sitio Tatapan, Kitango village in Datu Saudi Ampatuan town, Maguindanao del Sur, that killed a sibling of BIFF leader Kagi Karialan. He identified the fatalities as Karialan’s brother Abdul Kader Animbang and his nephew, Hamidi Animbang. He said their leader, Karialan, ordered his followers to stop attacks on government troops a month ago as they prepared for Ramadan.
He said police have yet to determine if it was the handiwork of a terrorist group, given the series of attacks in the province the past days.