The government’s new HIV Surveillance Report has experts worried that the Covid-19 crisis has inflicted collateral damage in the fight against HIV that could cause years to undo.
, or EHE. “We don’t really know where HIV transmission is going to land, but it’s something that we obviously are concerned about,” he added.
The CDC report indicates that after they declined by no more than 3 percent annually since 2016, HIV diagnoses dropped by 17 percent from 2019 to 2020, to 30,403 new positive test results.“I think that there are likely many more individuals who are undiagnosed than we have had in recent years,” said People who recently contracted HIV, Tookes said, tend to have very high viral loads, which renders the virus much more transmissible. Conversely, researchers have determined that suppressing HIV to an undetectable level with antiretroviral therapies not only helps increase life expectancy to near normal but alsoThe HIV Surveillance Report found that nearly 1.1 million people were living with diagnosed HIV in the U.S. of 2020. The CDC previously estimated, based on 2019 data, that 1.
was 68 percent to 97 percent lower during states’ initial Covid-19 stay-at-home periods in 2020. The rate remained 11 percent to 54 percent lower during periods with fewer societal restrictions the same year.conducted by the country’s health departments plunged by nearly half from 2019 to 2020, from 2.3 million to 1.2 million.