Barbados will build a new slavery museum after severing ties with Britain. It will be dedicated to 'unlocking the enduring trauma and histories of enslavement,' Barbados' Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley's office said.
to become a parliamentary republic. The design is based on blueprints created by Adjaye, and will be located next to the Newton Enslaved Burial Ground Memorial on the site of a former sugar plantation, near the island's capital Bridgetown, where African slaves once worked under bondage.
Plans were unveiled just days after Barbados announced that it was removing Britain's Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.The district will comprise a research institute and museum, and will be the first Caribbean memorial and archive of its kind. Adjaye's design will be"inherently African," Mottley said, stating:"The cycle of birth to death, born from the Earth and returning, will become manifest and mediated through architecture."