As negotiations between Black and Latino aldermen over redrawing Chicago’s ward boundaries continue, the remap cost to taxpayers may skyrocket.
in a 2010 residency challenge when Emanuel left the White House before he ran for Chicago mayor.
Joining Odelson on the Latino Caucus payroll is Reyes’ law firm, Reyes Kurson, which billed the city $146,219 for remap work from late May 2021 to the end of November, according to the invoices. [Most read] CTA is dealing with spiking crime and complaints about nuisance behavior. Here’s what could be behind it, and what you can expect when resuming your commute.Others being paid include attorney Homero Tristan, working for the Latino Caucus, who has billed the city $46,933, and attorney Clinton Davis, representing the Black Caucus, who has invoiced for $69,913 so far.
[Most read] Family and friends remember LGBTQ activist Elise Malary found dead over the weekend: ‘She chose time and time again to lift others up’Villegas, who’s running for Congress to represent a new district on the Northwest Side and nearby suburbs that was designed to give Illinois’ growing Latino population a chance to send another representative to Washington, has repeatedly hammered Kasper’s history with Madigan, and questioned his motives in the remap process.
The remap fight has dragged on since the early fall, highlighting and deepening the conflicts that have long simmered among aldermen of different ethnicities.Some Latino aldermen are still smarting from the remap following the 2010 census, believing they should have gotten more majority-Latino wards then.