Tile's CEO blames the AirTags incidents and the chip shortage for causing Tile sales to go down
We're watching the privacy concerns relating to Apple AirTags and stalking risks. The scrutiny Apple is facing in the press is moderating growth of the category overall. This may be a headwind for standalone hardware sales until the situation resolves and the category is able to more fully emerge. That's slowed things down, so it's a wait and see moment.Besides the tracking incidents with Apple's AirTags, Chris Hul also blames the global chip shortage crisis.
"Clearly, we’d prefer to be less supply-constrained because it would enable us to capitalize on the second part of our bet with Tile.But what is the second part? Well, according to Chris Hul, hardware sales aren't the main focus for the company, but simply a means to achieve its goals of increasing membership sales. Chris Hul also said,"