Mariah Bell is headed to the Olympics, crypt keeper that she is.
The Mayan civilization? Ancient. The Colosseum in Rome? Covered in cobwebs. Twenty-five-year-old American figure skater Mariah Bell? Prepped and ready for mummification, apparently.On Friday, Bell won gold at the 2022 US Figure Skating Championship, becoming the oldest United States women’s national champion in 95 years and securing her spot on the American team headed to the Beijing Olympics next month.
But expiring at age 25 is like blowing your load thirty seconds in, and if 25 in the figure skating world is “seasoned” or “mature,” a near 30-year-old geriatric millennial like me would be closer toUnlike women’s gymnastics, women’s figure skating hasn’t yet gone through its own reckoning to protect its young athletes.
so much that making it to the Olympics at 25 years old is widely considered some sort of Benjamin Button miracle.