Altered Giratina Raid Guide for PokemonGO Players: Take on this Ghost/Dragon-type raid boss in Tier Five raids during Halloween 2022. Pokemon
\nThe first part of the Halloween Event 2022 has begun in Pokémon GO. While Part Two will have more interesting raids as we get to see new and returning costumed Pokémon, this first part also has quite a spooky raid rotation. With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on and defeat Altered Forme Giratina in Tier Five raids, perfect your catching strategy, and understand Altered Forme Giratina's 100% IVs and Shiny rate.\nAltered Giratina in Pokémon GO.
Credit: Niantic\nTop Altered Forme Giratina Counters\nPokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top 10 Palkia counters as such:\n\nMega Gengar \nShadow Salamence \nShadow Dragonite \nMega Latios \nMega Banette \nShadow Latios \nShadow Mamoswine \nShadow Weavile \nShadow Mewtwo \nMega Houndoom \n\nIt is recommended to power up your counters as much as possible, but creating that amount of strong Shadow Pokémon with their moves unlocked is a...