Renewable energy is critically needed to fight climate change, but some environmentalists worry that rapid buildout without careful siting could endanger threatened species
looking at Connecticut found that solar over parking lots could supply 37 percent of the state’s annual electricity.
in 2019 found solar panels could provide agricultural benefits such as reducing drought stress on plants by shading the ground. of U.S. energy, and Walston says analysis done by Argonne scientists have shown the U.S. has enough already-developed land to provide enough solar without breaking new ground.
“The rate at which that’s happening has been shockingly slow,” says O’Shea. “There’s a huge amount of work to be done on distributed generation, but I don't think that will solve all of our energy needs in the window of time we have to address climate change.” “We’re going to need to clean up the power sector to stop climate change, which has a lot of impacts on biodiversity and drought,” Bird says. “If we don’t address the greenhouse gas emissions we’re going to have more issues.