Mortality records showed over 300 puppy deaths from Jan. 1, 2001, to July 22, 2021, at the facility that were attributed to unknown causes.
Virginia senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine said in a statement,"After months of advocacy, we're heartened to know that nearly 4,000 Envigo dogs will be spared a lifetime of suffering and will instead head to loving homes. We're also pleased to know that Inotiv -- Envigo's parent company -- will shutter its Cumberland facility and that no more dogs will be subject to the appalling conditions and inexcusable distress endured by so many dogs and puppies at the facility.
She's also part of a team working on the logistics of the 4,000 additional beagles that will be surrendered over the following weeks, she said.The group will prioritize getting pregnant dogs, juvenile dogs and mother dogs with unweaned puppies from the facility first."We prefer the pregnant dogs do not give birth at that facility. We hope to get them home first," Bell said. After that, there will still be thousands of adult beagles that will need to be removed from the property.