I can't even imagine accidentally talking down to Julia Stiles.
This actually happened to my uncle in the late 1970s. My uncle worked for Pakistan International Airlines in New York and would often hop on free flights to California to visit us whenever the mood struck him. One day, he managed to secure a seat for himself in first class. As he settled in and got comfortable, he noticed that his young, handsome seat-mate was attracting a lot of attention from the flight attendants and from other passengers.
"We took off and after an hour or so, we got to talking, she about working in NYC , what I did, and later what she might do after retirement . As I recall, she was attractive, professional, and well-spoken. I honestly don’t watch television and remained completely clueless. We said goodbye and, as she was leaving, the flight crew said, 'Goodbye, Ms. Roberts,' while a few passengers did the point-and-whisper thing. I finally put it together because she said her name was Robin from.
"They chatted briefly about the pop music that was playing overhead. At the end of the conversation, the man turned to Mr. Joel and said, 'Hey, by the way, has anybody ever told you, you look kinda like Billy Joel?' Mr. Joel grinned and nodded politely, then coyly responded, 'Ha! Yeah, yeah! I get that a lot!' The other man smiled and then followed, 'Well, I bet you WISH you were Billy Joel...