Fustany: These 10 red flags will make you want to end your relationship right away! Relationships love redflag
We usually go on a few dates at the beginning of a relationship, get to know his/hers friends, and observe how they treat others, and noting whether we are okay with a their common traits.For example, you may be fine with something while your friend is not.
In this article, we're sharing sharing what we thing are 10 red flags in a relationship that you shouldn't ignore.If he's cheap, the door is right there, boy bye! We actually received a lot of responses about them being cheap, and personally I see it as a red flag.
This is a major red flag for me; it is not okay for anyone to disrespect you mentally or physically, even if it is your husband; he needs to give you the same respect you give him. You may be creating a healthy environment for your children, but seeing their mother being treated badly will affect them in the future. So speak up for yourself and say you're not okay with it, or simply leave.
If you're still getting to know a guy and he starts telling you about his previous relationships and how things ended because he cheated, cut the chase and don't even get involved. It will be very unhealthy for both of you because you will find yourself not trusting him and going through his belongings for any evidence, which is not a healthy relationship.5. Flirting with other women in front of you.